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SUCCESS? Rewire your Mind!

Recent researches on the brain and the mind have shown that our lives are the result of our beliefs, habits, and past experiences. The way you talk to yourself creates new neurological networks that affect how you react and face the world. Are you wondering if your reality is the results of your thoughts? Are you happy with what you see? If the answer is no, I have great news for you!

Those brilliant neuroscientists have also shown that our brain can change and improve their performance by modifying the way we act and feel every day. In order to achieve positive changes, you will need thoughts that empower you every day and a strategic mind that will help you resolve situations intelligently. You need to re-condition your mind for success because you are not your past or your previous results. It’s time to rebuild and start over.

To retrain your unconscious mind, you can create affirmations to attract success, write them down, and repeat them daily. These are some examples that you can use:

✔️ I recognize how valuable I am, therefore I deserve the best.
✔️ I deserve to make lots of money because I add value to other people’s lives.
✔️ I am an excellent money manager.
✔️ I am a generous giver and I receive with love.
✔️ I trust my abilities to do what is required to achieve success.

These are more than words. However, they are not magic. If you really want to see these affirmations work, you must:

1. Repeat the affirmations daily
2. Live them with emotion and visualize them.
3. Develop a strategic plan

Science behind?
Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation. Cascio CN1, O’Donnell MB2, Tinney FJ3, Lieberman MD4, Taylor SE4, Strecher VJ3, Falk EB2. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2016 Apr;11(4):621-9. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsv136. Epub 2015 Nov 5.

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