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Stay Ahead of the B2B Market

Plants vs Bricks:  A Crucial Conversation You Need to Hear.

“Johanna, we are not selling plants to individuals, we are trying to sell building products that are millions of dollars in value to the B2B market” That’s what a good friend of mine told me after I gave some marketing insights for his business goals and challenges. He is a leader of a large, well-established company in the DC area and seasoned executive.

Johanna (Me): “I agree with you that selling building materials to a business is different than selling to a person. However, people don’t see brands or businesses as objects anymore. They see your business as a value relationship partner. They want to do business with brands that interact with them and build meaningful relationships comparable to friendships.”

B2B Leader:  That’s a good point.


Me:  “Is your marketing department creating a genuine customer value relationship using different platforms to bring enough qualified potential customers to your sales department?…”

B2B Leader: “No, we get our clients from strategic referrals, marketing would not make any difference for us”.

Me: “Great! It is crucial to have a strategic plan to get referrals to your success. However, why not also use an online marketing strategy to build trust and confidence with your potential clients BEFORE having the chance to meet them?…”

B2B Leader:  “Oh, Well… how can SmartVine help me achieve this?”

People build relationships with your brand too.

Internet and social media have revolutionized the way we build relationships, communicate, trust and buy. Our brains are now coping with the idea that social groups can be electronic-social living groups too and that we can build a whole relationship through the internet without even seeing each other once. People are “falling in love” with people, brands and celebrities using just the internet. Why?

It’s simple – our subconscious brains do not understand the difference between being there for real and being separated by a computer.  As a result, our brain still releases powerful chemicals that affect decision making.


Doctor Paul J. Zak, a pioneer in the field of neuroeconomics, found that 100% of the people that they tested released oxytocin when they used social media, and the amount of oxytocin released tells the level of strength of the connection. Oxytocin is the love hormone which enhances intricate social activities ranging from pair bonding, sexual activity, affiliative preferences, and parental behaviors. But it has also been shown to enhance prosocial behaviors including promoting altruism, generosity, trust, and empathy.

Why should you care about this if you are in the B2B market?

Because B2B decision makers are humans, not objects and they analyze your business as humans, not computers. You can and want to influence your potential client in a positive way with your online and offline marketing strategy BEFORE having the opportunity to talk to them.

You can also build a strong emotional bond with your brand by delivering the right message to your market such that it helps them to do business with you easier and faster.  This Smarter way of marketing helps you to surpass your competitors, enhance your brand recognition and generate better results!

So, are you curious how our conversation ended?

I’m sure you are, so let me tell you.

B2B Leader: “…You are right Johanna, let’s review my marketing strategy and adjust to show potential clients BEFORE we meet them that we are the best and most trustworthy company out there for the services we provide”

Johanna: “I would be more than happy to do so!  Also, you have to keep in mind that marketing won’t bring only new potential clients, it will also bring greater ROI, partners, better suppliers, influencers and good talent to your company. ;)”


As I have outlined, we now see the greater interaction of strategy and marketing being aligned in the B2B markets. I know this client is not the only one who thinks this way. I founded SmartVine because I want to show my clients why and how their company can solve problems before they exist, creating a better return!  Furthermore, I can provide tools and solutions for success in the long-term game.

I’m going to share with you why marketing matters in the B2B world during this month, so keep an eye on my Linkedin page!  Also, share your thoughts about this article and answer this question: How do you leverage social and other media to impact potential clients opinion of your company BEFORE you meet them?

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